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Hot melt adhesive coating machine

  • Sorts : Coater

  • Update Time : 2022-02-26
  • Code: YX285667537
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A special coating device is designed for the production of specific tape and hot-melt tape

The special process and long-term experience make the equipment adapt to the harsh coating and winding, and obtain the best effect, efficient production speed and stable coating data

Innovative pneumatic and electrical components ensure continuous high-quality production of equipment, requiring only limited maintenance and consumables


      2.Processed materials - production range - capacity

      2.1) Treated materials


      2.1.1) Material Science

· Plastic film and impregnated paper see pos. 2.2


      2.1.2) Coated hot melt adhesive

· Viscosity of hot melt adhesive (at 160 to 200 ° C)

· Coating weight from 15 to 65 Gr / M 2

· BOPP maximum glue consumption 880 kg / h (about)

   be based on - coat weight      

 coating weight 18 gr/m2

   Coating width 1.630 mm

   Maximum coating speed 500 mpm


        2.1.3) Material Science

·Packaging tape 

Other materials consistent with the coating line                                                                 

1.1) Product range


            1.1.1) Universal masking tape

· Including dip paper from 40 to 80 Gr / M 2

· Hot melt adhesive coating weight 30 - 35 Gr / M 2


            1.1.2) BOPPadhesive tape

· BOPP membrane

Pretreatment inside reel treatment, 38 Dynes/cm              

Inside of treatment roll, 38 dyne / cm

· Release coating weight about 4 Gr / M 2 Of wet weight

· Coating weight of hot melt adhesive about 18 Gr / M 2




        · Products

        · Masking tape with primer and release

       · Glue coating 35 Gr / M 2

       · Glue width 1.630 mm

       · Maximum product speed 255 MPM

       · Hourly capacity about 24.939 M 2 / h



· Product BOPP film, 25 μ m BOPP film

·Release coating weight about 4 Gr / M 2 of wet

· Glue coating 18 Gr / M 2

· Coating width 1.630 mm

· Maximum production speed 500 MPM

· Hourly capacity about 48.900 M 2 / h

 The above capacity is based on a maximum supply of 880 kg of glue per hour

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