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?What is a Hot melt adhesive coating machine (3)

Release Date:2023-10-28 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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What is a Hot melt adhesive coating machine (3)

If it does not meet the process requirements, it will be channeled until it meets the process standards. Hot melt adhesive coating machine automatic meter meter speed mastery assembly. Guiding adopts LPC photoelectric edge machine, in order to make the material winding more neat; Retracting and accepting the key type inflatable shaft, in order to load and unload the use is convenient and fast. The Hot melt adhesive coating machine is assembled with high-precision upward pressure traction, and the steel roller is cooled to accept the water rotation type, and the film is flatter and more able to achieve the cooling result through the cooling roller. 

Yitong Industry and Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. provides new products, new process solutions company, we not only provide equipment, but also the new European technology, process through the carrier of equipment, to provide Chinese customers. The main equipment is precision coating, mainly including lithium battery coating, optical film coating, brand tape coating, etc., covering the industries of battery, printing, electronics and precision chemical industry. Precision coating machines include: solvent-free coating machine (Hot melt adhesive coating machine), Solvent coater Protective film coater, water-based coating machine, oil-based coating machine, etc. Fully automatic control mode, representing the high level of Europe. Our products have: European quality, joint venture price, Chinese service. "

Related Tags: Hot melt adhesive coating machine Solvent coater Protective film coater

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