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What problems should be paid attention to in the cao operation of the hot melt adhesive coater?

Release Date:2022-11-29 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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                                                What problems should be paid attention to in the cao operation of the hot melt adhesive coater?




Hot melt adhesive coater is mainly used for the production of film, paper and other surface coating processes. The hot melt adhesive coater is used to apply a layer of glue, paint or ink with specific functions to the rolled substrate, and then roll back after drying. The coater uses a special multi-function coating head, which can realize the production of various forms of surface coating. Its reeling and unwinding are all automatic film splicing mechanisms at full speed. Today, I will take you to learn what should be paid attention to in the cao of the hot melt adhesive coater?


Protective film coater

1. The cao staff shall receive pre job training and pass the examination before taking the post, and shall strictly abide by this cao procedure. Except for the required maintenance personnel, it is strictly forbidden for non post personnel to make equipment or change setting parameters.


2. Before the hot melt adhesive coater is used, load the clean and stretched screen plate from the front of the coater. Some models can also load the screen plate from the side. In models designed for large format screen frames, side loading is more common. Because the screen frame is large and bulky, side loading can reduce the amount of lifting and moving. When the automatic screen coater is running online with other automatic screen processing equipment (such as cleaning equipment, regeneration equipment, drying device and developer), it is more convenient to install the plate from the side.


3. After each shift of shutdown, the hopper, scraper, coating roll and back roll must be cleaned immediately with alcohol or acetone. The surface of the hot-melt adhesive coater must be free of scratches and damages.


Protective film coater



4. Once problems are found during operation, they need to be recorded immediately and notified to relevant departments for timely handling.


Protective film coater

5. No matter how the screen is installed, once the screen is in the correct position, the pneumatic clamping device or mechanical clamping device will be closed to lock the screen. In order to make the cao operation more convenient, many models have foot pedals to control the clamp action. The cao operator can free his hands to control the screen. After installing the screen plate, pour the corresponding photosensitive emulsion into the automatic hot melt adhesive coater, and then start coating. According to the functions of the control system and equipment, the equipment can simultaneously coat both sides of the screen.

Related Tags: Hot melt adhesive coating machine Solvent coater Protective film coater

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