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Performance and characteristics of protective film coater

Release Date:2022-11-29 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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                                                            Performance and characteristics of protective film coater




1. The protective film coater is controlled by a frequency conversion motor.

2. The feeding rack is in the form of electric overturning double station, which adopts magnetic powder automatic tension control.

3. Anilox coating method: the scraper shaft of the protective film coater uses heavy duty double axis mechanical independent swimming, the scraper adjustment mode is manual and pneumatic, and the angle can be adjusted at will. The coating amount depends on the mesh line of the anilox roller. Different coating amount can be replaced by different mesh lines of the anilox roller.


Protective film coater

 4. In order to evenly equip the protective film coater with a set of rubber roller, which is controlled by the motor frequency converter.

5. The oven is 16 meters long and divided into 6 sections for independent temperature control. Heat transfer oil is used for circulation heating. The hot air enters the drying system and the adjustable internal circulation suction and exhaust device. The air inlet and exhaust are strong and dry thoroughly.

6. The guide wheel in the oven is actively synchronized with the host machine, and the transmission is synchronous pulley driven, which can reduce the material stretching and deformation. The side door oven and the film piercing cao are used as the platform to facilitate the work of cao workers. 

7. Coating roller --- the intermediate tension of the traction steel roller is synchronized with the floating arm control

8. Automatic meter and speed control device


Protective film coater

9. EPC edge aligning machine is used for deviation correction to ensure the tidiness of material reeling.

10. The retracting and releasing shaft adopts the key type air expansion shaft for the convenience of loading and unloading cao.

11. High precision upward pressure traction device. The steel roller is cooled by water circulation. The cooling roller makes the film more flat, smooth and effective.

12. The type of material receiving frame is edge winding, and the winding drive and traction are used together.


Protective film coater

Yitong Industry and Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. provides new products and new process solutions. We not only provide equipment, but also provide new European technologies and processes to Chinese customers through the carrier of equipment. The main equipment is precision coating, mainly including lithium battery coating, optical film coating, brand tape coating, etc., covering the battery, printing, electronics and precision chemical industries.

Related Tags: Protective film coater Solvent coater Hot melt adhesive coating machine

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