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Common Faults and Troubleshooting of Hot Melt Adhesive Coater

Release Date:2022-11-29 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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                                                           Common Faults and Troubleshooting of Hot Melt Adhesive Coater



The hot melt adhesive coater often suffers from the wear of transmission parts during operation, such as the wear of the drying cylinder shaft head of the hot melt adhesive coater and the wear of the roll bearing chamber. Traditional repair The compound method has surfacing, thermal spraying, brush plating, etc., but there are certain drawbacks: surfacing will make the surface of parts reach a very high temperature, causing deformation or cracks, and even lead to shaft fracture in serious cases; The electroplating coating should not be too thick, and the pollution is serious, so the application is also limited.


Protective film coater

With the rapid development of science and technology, polymer composites can be used to solve the above problems, among which Meijiahua technology system is more mature. The material has good adhesion and compressive strength, and can be removed without on-site repair The recoating machine is worn. At the same time, due to its metal deficiency, it can well absorb the impact and vibration of the equipment and avoid secondary wear.


Protective film coater 

Damage to the concrete foundation of the hot melt adhesive coater Due to corrosion, aging, equipment vibration and other factors, the coater will also cause damage to the concrete base and other parts, resulting in loosening of the bolts fastening the equipment, which seriously affects production. The traditional concrete pouring method will lead to repair The recovery time has been greatly extended, which is difficult for enterprises to accept. Polymer composite materials also solve this problem well. The impact resistance and compressive strength of the materials themselves are far greater than the current concrete materials. At the same time, they also adhere to steel and other rough surfaces, which can be cured quickly. It is a new scientific research achievement for repairing the damage of the concrete base of the reheat melt adhesive coater.


Protective film coater

Related Tags: Protective film coater Solvent coater Hot melt adhesive coating machine

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