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Cao environment requirements and application fields of hot melt adhesive coater

Release Date:2022-11-29 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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                                              Cao environment requirements and application fields of hot melt adhesive coater





一、 Environmental requirements for cao of hot melt adhesive coater



1. There are certain restrictions on the cao working environment of the hot melt adhesive coater. During cao working, volatile gas or flammable and explosive materials in the surrounding environment cannot be selected. During cao working, flammable and explosive materials must be kept away to ensure personal safety.

2. During the cao operation, there should be appropriate protective devices around, good insulation and protection of the board surface. If there is a problem with the development of the machine, you should contact the relevant professional personnel in a timely manner, and you cannot disassemble the machine alone.

Protective film coater

3. Pay attention to the cao operation temperature of the hot melt adhesive coater. Do not conduct cao operation at a temperature lower than 0 or higher than 50 .

4. Do not use the hot-melt adhesive coater in the situation without rapid air flow. This will lead to "wire drawing".

5. During glue repair, glue should be added before there is less than 1/3 hot melt glue left in the hot melt pot. Try to avoid adding glue when there is no hot melt glue in the hot melt pot.


Protective film coater


二、 Application field of hot melt adhesive coater

1. Various paper labels;

2. Hot melt adhesive coating machine is widely used in PET, PVC, PP, PE and other film labels;

3. Other labels.

Yitong Industry and Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. provides new products and new process solutions. We not only provide equipment, but also provide new European technologies and processes to Chinese customers through the carrier of equipment. The main equipment is precision coating, mainly including lithium battery coating, optical film coating, brand tape coating, etc., covering the battery, printing, electronics and precision chemical industries.

Protective film coater

Related Tags: Protective film coater Solvent coater Hot melt adhesive coating machine

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