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Solvent coater | use wear in how to solution?

Release Date:2022-10-13 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Solvent coater | use wear in how to solution?

Solvent coater use wear how to solve? Coating machine in the running process often appear the transmission part of the problem of wear, such as coating machine dryer shaft head wear, paper roll bearing room wear and so on. Traditional repair and complex methods include surfacing, thermal spraying, brush plating, etc., but they all have certain disadvantages: Surfacing will make the surface of parts reach high temperature, resulting in deformation or cracks, and even lead to shaft fracture in serious cases; Electroplating coating can not be too thick, and serious pollution, the application is also limited.


Before the use of Solvent coater, clean coating machine stretching the screen from the front of the coating machine loaded, some models can also be installed from the side screen. In the design of large mesh frame models, the side version is more common, because the mesh frame is large and bulky, the side version, can make the amount of lifting and moving momentum smaller. In the automatic screen coating machine and other automatic screen processing equipment (such as cleaning equipment, regeneration equipment, drying equipment and development machine) online operation, from the side version is more convenient.


The Solvent coater does not know how to install the plate. Once the plate is in the correct position, the pneumatic clamping device or mechanical clamping device is closed to lock the plate. To make it easier to work, many models have pedals that allow workers to control the screen with their hands free. After installing the screen, pour the corresponding emulsion into the solvent coating machine, you can start coating. According to the functions of the control system and equipment, the equipment can be coated on both sides of the screen at the same time.

The Solvent coater cutter does not fall in place, resulting in knife phenomenon; The falling height of the cutter is too low, so that the knife mark of the blade is too deep, the incision is not smooth or the blade is broken, the normal depth of the cutter into the blade is 0.5 ~ 1mm; Blunt blade and uneven blade also easy to produce even knife or incision is not smooth and so on.


Related Tags: Solvent coater Hot melt adhesive coating machine Protective film coater

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