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Protective film coater | paper cutting the opportunity which influence factors?

Release Date:2022-10-13 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Protective film coater | paper cutting the opportunity which influence factors?

(1) the datum line of cutting paper size on the paper pusher is the rear baffle gauge, which should be parallel to the cutting line and perpendicular to the workbench.

(2) when the Protective film coater machine cutter lands, the cutter should be perpendicular to the table, and the blade of the cutter should be parallel to the table and adjust it to the necessary height.

(3) the Protective film coater paper press should be able to adjust the pressure and maintain its consolidation according to the cutting requirements. The ordinary gauge pressure should be within 4 ~ 10MPa, not allowed to exceed 15MPa, which is the condition of guaranteeing the cutting quality.


Protective film coater may cause the paper to be long and short after cutting:

(1) the blade of the cutter is too blunt, it is easy to pull out the surface layer of the cutting object and make the specifications inconsistent.

(2) the cutter is not perpendicular to the work table.

(3) the front surface of the paper pusher is not perpendicular to the surface of the table, the paper pusher leans forward, and the paper pad after cutting is long and short; The paper pusher leans back, and the paper after cutting is stacked short and long.


(4) the higher the Protective film coater paper pad, the higher the pressure response of the paper press, the greater the anti-cutting knife of the paper pad, which increases the meandering deformation of the paper pad, and the long and short sign of the paper pad after cutting. Therefore, the height of paper should be controlled in the following 100 mm, the thickness of the paper, the response of the cutting height should also be moderate.

Yitong Industry & Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a company that provides new products and new process solutions. We are not only providing equipment, but also providing new European technology and process to Chinese customers through the carrier of equipment. The main equipment is precision coating, mainly including lithium battery coating, optical film coating, brand tape coating, covering the battery, printing, electronics and precision chemical industry. The above information is provided by Yitong Industry and Trade.


Related Tags: Protective film coater Hot melt adhesive coating machine Solvent coater

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