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What should we pay attention to when choosing a protective film coater?

Release Date:2022-10-13 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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What should we pay attention to when choosing a protective film coater?

1, do not blindly choose a protective film coater, how to choose the right protective film coater.

There is no best coating machine, only suitable for their own protective film coating machine, the advantages and disadvantages of protective film coating machine is relative, cutting effect. The key is the application. For example, improper application of imported blades will not have good results, and domestic blades such as reasonable application will achieve satisfactory results. Fruit. This requires us to accumulate more in practice, more summary, really look for their own protective film coater.


2. Correctly handle the relationship between performance, price and stability of protective film coater.

In the relationship between the three, the stability of the coating machine is the service cycle, and the high cost performance is the goal of the pursuit. For example, high speed cutting often uses imported blades, but it is also a double-edged sword, which brings a new high to people. At the same time, imported blades have high requirements for equipment, process, blades, blade clamping system, etc., so the investment before and after the relatively high.


In high speed slitting, many conditions are in the extreme. Edge limit, the stability of imported blade will become a major problem, especially in the middle and later period of equipment use, blade accuracy decline reflected more clearly. Show. Therefore, high speed cannot be achieved for high speed, and high speed can be achieved without imported blades. The purpose of efficiency should not hesitate to abandon the import of blades.


Related Tags: Hot melt adhesive coating machine Solvent coater Protective film coater

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