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What are the performance characteristics of the protective film coater?

Release Date:2022-10-13 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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What are the performance characteristics of the protective film coater?

1, protective film coater machine is generally controlled by frequency conversion motor.

2. The feeding frame mode of the coating machine is electric flip double work station, and adopts automatic tension control of magnetic powder.

3, the mesh coating method, the coating scraper shaft adopts the heavy duty biaxial machine independent walking, the scraper conditioning method is manual with pneumatic, the Angle is arbitrary conditioning, the coating amount depends on the mesh line of the roller, different coating amount can be changed for different mesh line of the roller.


4, in order to protect the average coating machine with uniform roller 1 set, controlled by the motor frequency converter.

5, the oven is 16 meters divided into 6 sections of independent temperature control, heating using heat conduction oil circulation heating, hot air entry type monotonic fragmentary, adjustable internal circulation suction and exhaust installation, inlet and exhaust wind is weak, monotonic and complete.

6. The regulating wheel in the oven is automatically synchronized with the host machine, and the transmission is synchronized with the belt wheel to reduce the stretching and deformation of the data. The side door oven and the working platform through the film make it easy for the workers to work.

7. Coating roller -- Tension synchronization of two ends of traction steel roller is controlled by floating swing arm.

8, automatic meter and speed control installation.

9. EPC edge matching machine is used for correction, in order to make the data rewinding uniform.


10. The retraction shaft adopts key type air expansion shaft, which is convenient for loading and unloading.

11, high precision traction installation, steel roller cooling adopts water circulation type, through the cooling roller to make the film more flat, more straight scraping, more cooling effect. Fruit.

12. The receiving rack is pulled to the side, and the winding drive and traction are used together.

Both ends of the protective film coater mechanism are installed on the vertical support arm of the coating machine, which is driven by belt, chain or cable to make the coating mechanism move up and down and coating along the surface of the screen. The transmission mechanism is connected to the servo or frequency conversion motor, so that it can work smoothly and accurately control the position of the protective film coater machine. Before coating, the clean, stretched screen is loaded from the front of the coating machine, some models can also be installed from the side screen.


Related Tags: Hot melt adhesive coating machine Solvent coater Protective film coater

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