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How to eliminate the Hot melt adhesive coating machine glue failure?

Release Date:2022-10-13 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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How to eliminate the Hot melt adhesive coating machine glue failure?

When using the coating machine, there is no glue test and test troubleshooting:

1. Melting cylinder body filter is blocked

After removing the hose joint, make the motor run. If there is no glue out of the Hot melt adhesive coating machine or the amount of glue out is significantly reduced, it can be judged that the melting cylinder filter screen is blocked by carbide or other impurities. Remove the filter group at the bottom of the side of the machine, soak it in the cleaning liquid of the glue machine and clean the filter in detail with a brush. If the filter is no longer suitable for use, replace it with a new one, and then reinstall the filter group and pay attention to tightening. Please pay attention to remove the "O" ring and PTFE ring do not contact with other solvents than glue machine cleaning fluid, in order to avoid damage caused by pressure relief or glue leakage, can turn off the machine power.


2. Reasons for instability of Hot melt adhesive coating machine

(1) uneven size: the filter is blocked; The motor is not running properly; The backflow valve is not properly adjusted.

(2) Low pressure drop: the rubber bucket is filled with impurities in the filter screen; Hot melt coated machine gun body failure; Glue machine heating system failure or hot melt glue does not reach the operating temperature.

3 gear pump motor can not run glue

First check whether there is glue flowing back into the whole backflow valve in the melting cylinder. If there is, it means that the gear pump and backflow valve are not damaged. It should be slowly tightened and set to the appropriate pressure position. If the machine is newly installed, it may be caused by vacuum in the hot melt adhesive loop. In this case, please remove the rubber hose joint nut of the Hot melt adhesive coating machine first, let the machine run, and then put the rubber hose back on the locking joint nut after the glue is normal. If it is the old machine may be the gear pump gear has been lost, the whole group of gear pump out, then remove the gear combination of the fixing screw, take out the pinion and external gear, replace a group of new gear, then the gear pump back fixed; At this time, please pay attention to the gear installation orientation, if the installation orientation is opposite, there will be no glue. Remove the gear pump, please be sure to be a technical personnel first detailed understanding of the gear pump structure can be removed.


4. Cause of instability of glue

A, the filter is blocked; The backflow valve is not properly adjusted (the backflow valve is 6mm hex socket screw below the rubber bucket).

B. Check and test of gun body system troubleshooting -- gun body glue leakage

C, gun body fixing bolt loosening (lock fixing bolt) - Hot melt adhesive coating machine

D. The firing pin inside the gun is blocked by carbide and cannot be closed tightly (please remove and remove)


Related Tags: Hot melt adhesive coating machine Solvent coater Protective film coater

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