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Operating environment requirements and application fields of hot melt adhesive coating machine

Release Date:2022-09-30 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Operating environment requirements and application fields of hot melt adhesive coating machine

Today Yitong Industry and Trade (Shanghai) Co., LTD. To popularize the environmental requirements and application field of hot melt adhesive coating machine is what.


Operating environment requirements of hot melt coating machine:

1. There are certain restrictions on the operating environment of the hot melt adhesive coating machine. In the process of carrying out, volatile gases or inflammable and explosive items in the surrounding environment can not be selected. The whole.

2, in the operation, there should be appropriate protection devices around, good insulation and protection plate surface environment, if there is a problem with the development of the machine, it is necessary to contact the relevant specialist in time. The operator cannot disassemble by himself.

3, pay attention to the temperature of the hot melt adhesive coating machine, do not use the temperature below 0 degrees Celsius or higher than 50 degrees Celsius.

4. Do not use hot melt adhesive coater in the absence of fast flowing air. This will result in a "drawing" phenomenon.

5. When filling the glue, it should be added before 1/3 of the hot glue in the hot melt pot, and try to avoid adding glue when there is no hot glue in the hot melt pot.


Application field of hot melt adhesive coating machine:

1. Various paper labels;

2, hot melt adhesive coating machine is widely used in PET, PVC, PP, PE and other membrane labels;

3. Other labels.


Related Tags: Hot melt adhesive coating machine Solvent coater Protective film coater

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