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Operation flow of protective film coater

Release Date:2022-09-30 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Operation flow of protective film coater

protective film coater machine is mainly used for film, paper and other surface coating process production, this machine is rolled into the base material coated with a layer of specific function of glue, paint or ink, etc., and drying after winding. It uses a special multifunctional coating head, can realize a variety of forms of surface coating, protective film coater machine rewinding are equipped with full speed automatic film connection mechanism, PLC program tension closed loop automatic control.


What is the operating process of the protective film coater? Today, Yitong Industry and Trade (Shanghai) Co., LTD would like to talk to you:

1. When using protective film coater, the staff should wear labor protection articles.

2, and check whether the scraper, back roller wipe clean.

3, protective film coater machine in the shutdown state wear traction cloth.

4. Turn on the main power supply, servo motor, drying fan and other switches.


5. Fix the Glazin paper and draw it to the oven, so that it is connected with the traction cloth.

6. Install the material trough and baffle, put the Yunnan white ointment glue paste into the hopper, and smooth it out with a strip.

7. Set the coating temperature, speed, speed ratio and coating tension according to the following table on the controller.


Related Tags: Solvent coater Protective film coater Hot melt adhesive coating machine

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