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How to maintain the Hot melt adhesive coating machine??

Release Date:2022-09-30 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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How to maintain the Hot melt adhesive coating machine?

1, in the disassembly maintenance and repair work, the best workers do not wear earrings, watches, necklaces, bracelets and other conductive ornaments, to prevent accidents.

2. Before maintaining and repairing the Hot melt adhesive coating machine, it is necessary to cut off the power user and the total power supply of the outside world on the Hot melt adhesive coating machine.

3, do not disassemble, check and adjust any parts of the Hot melt adhesive coating machine, unless you have enough understanding of the equipment performance.


4, unless there are other personnel beside the assistance, and in the event of an accident, due to mechanical damage or personnel injury, can be immediately given to help or first aid, otherwise do not separate Hot melt adhesive coating machine  equipment disassembly and maintenance.

5. Only qualified personnel can repair and maintain the Hot melt adhesive coating machine.

6. Under any circumstances, do not touch the connector of the wire or other parts connected with the wire and not loose.

7. The power supply must be cut off before removing or moving the protective device or replacing the element on the Hot melt adhesive coating machine.

8. If possible, try to stand on the plastic blanket for maintenance and repair work. Do not maintain the Hot melt adhesive coating machine on a flooded floor or in a humid environment.


9. When maintaining and repairing the Hot melt adhesive coating machine, it is necessary to wear full gloves, goggles and long-sleeved work clothes to avoid parts of the body being burned by high temperature liquid hot sol, or burned by high temperature component surface.

10. When releasing or installing the pressure joint, it must be determined that the pressure of the air source for the Hot melt adhesive coating machine has been reduced to zero.

11. When cleaning the hot melt glue cylinder, avoid using hard tools with fireworks or sharp edges, so as not to scratch the teflon non-adhesive coating inside the barrel.


Related Tags: Hot melt adhesive coating machine Solvent coater Protective film coater

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