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Technology and process application of hot melt adhesive coater

Release Date:2022-09-06 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Technology and process application of hot melt adhesive coater

Hot melt adhesive coater is a kind of plastic adhesive. Within a certain temperature range, its physical state changes with the change of temperature, while its chemical characteristics remain unchanged. It is non-toxic and tasteless. It is an environmental friendly chemical product. In the production and processing of industrial machinery, the melted glue that becomes liquid is transported to the coater for coating the substrate.


At present, although the development history of domestic hot melt adhesive coating process has been more than ten years, the manufacturing technology of hot melt adhesive coater is still in the immature stage in China. The main quality problems of hot melt adhesive coater produced by many printing and packaging machinery manufacturers have not been well solved.


The working principle of hot melt adhesive coater is the hot melt adhesive process. The origin of hot melt adhesive coater is in developed countries and countries such as Europe and America. It has a long history of development in countries and countries without other countries. The process has been relatively mature for about several decades in China.


?The working principle of hot melt adhesive coater is actually very simple. Even if we don't have professional knowledge of the industry, we can easily master it as long as we know a little knowledge of physics and chemistry. In fact, the simple point is thermal expansion and cold contraction.


??Although the principle used is not very complex, but after the emergence of the process, it has brought great convenience to some of our life and production work. One major feature is the omission of drying equipment, which not only saves redundant procedures, but also saves the cost of drying machines and other equipment, which can be said to be a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.


??Another big advantage is low energy consumption. The melting point of hot melt adhesive on the hot melt adhesive coater is very low. As long as a little heat is complete melting. It can be quickly converted into liquid. Moreover, the solid hot melt adhesive is relatively convenient for transportation and storage. These processes can be said to have incomparable advantages compared with the previous ones. The advantage of this is that the hot melt machine has been favored by the market since its advent.

Related Tags: Solvent coater

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