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The scope of application of hot melt coating machine

Release Date:2022-09-05 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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The scope of application of hot melt coating machine

1, a variety of medium and high-end protective film screen printing machine; Medium and high grade PET screen printing machine; Electronic optical film, high temperature film, high light film, blocking film, electronic device film screen printing machine; 1300 BOPP high speed screen printing machine; Transfer paper film screen printing machine; 1300 MODEL PET warm film screen printing machine; Printing advertising consumables/digital photo paper/paper products screen printing machine. Hot melt adhesive coating machine

Hot melt adhesive coating machine

2, hot melt adhesive coater medical grameen paper, no cloth, tape, bandage screen printing machine; Medical masking tape screen printing machine, etc.

3, concrete coating mat screen printing machine glass fiber screen printing machine; LDPE construction professional protective film screen printing machine; Teflon screen printing machine; Polypropylene filament machine; Floor heating raw material screen printing machine; PVC welder insulated tape screen printing machine; Machine silicon screen printing machine and so on.

Hot melt adhesive coating machine

4, Masking tape, double-sided tape, wrapping paper, whiteboard, maintenance paper, transfer paper screen printing machine; Rustproof paper screen printing machine; Sealing alkali tape screen printing machine; Heat resistant electronic devices, tape screen printing machines, etc. Hot melt adhesive coating machine

5, aluminum platinum screen printing machine; Tongbo screen printing machine; Colorful aluminum alloy plate coating line; Paper box waxing line, etc.

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