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Common problems in installation of hot melt adhesive coater(2)

Release Date:2022-09-03 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Common problems in installation of hot melt adhesive coater

1. When installing the hot melt adhesive coater, be sure to connect a proper and reasonable wire connector. All machines and equipment using direct current must have wire connectors. When wire connectors are not used, all hot melt glue machines have components with conductors and insulators for maintenance, which may still produce working voltage electrical conductors and risk of electric shock accidents.


2. According to the load required by the hot melt adhesive coater and auxiliary equipment, check whether the applied power plug and insulation maintenance meet the requirements. The load of the transmission line must be higher than the high power of the overheated adhesive coater.

3. Ensure that the working voltage externally connected to the hot-melt adhesive machine conforms to the hot-melt adhesive machine itself, such as the hot-melt adhesive coating machine with single-phase electric 220V working voltage specification. If the 220V switching power supply is applied, the automatic spraying equipment of the hot-melt adhesive machine will be damaged, such as the hot-melt adhesive machine with single-phase electric 220V working voltage specification if the switching power supply less than 380V is applied, It is impossible to achieve the design characteristics of mechanical equipment, and it is likely to damage the hot melt adhesive machine. When wiring, ensure that the power plug is properly connected to the external breaker.


4. Ensure the actual Cao operation of the hot melt adhesive machine under the specific working voltage. If the applied working voltage is different from the specific working voltage, the hot melt adhesive machine may be damaged.

Related Tags: Hot melt adhesive coating machine

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