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Safe and safe use of hot melt adhesive coater

Release Date:2022-08-18 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Safe and safe use of hot melt adhesive coater

The hot melt adhesive coater should not only be used normally, but also be used safely. The correct use of the equipment can prolong the service life of the hot melt adhesive coater and reduce the probability of failure. The safe use can ensure that it will not be affected by the temperature of the hot melt adhesive coater and other accidents caused by the hot melt adhesive coater, so as to avoid the occurrence of daily safety and safety accidents of the enterprise. Under the normal use of the hot melt adhesive coater, we should pay attention to the following five points:


1. First of all, when we install and use the hot melt adhesive coater, we should avoid sundries at the bottom of the hot melt adhesive coater and the host of the hot melt adhesive coater,

2. When using the hot melt adhesive coater, we should keep the working environment of the hot melt adhesive coater clean. We should clear and remove the non fusible impurities, iron filings and other solid objects in time during the use of hot melt adhesive coater


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