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Hot melt coater - cleaning method

Release Date:2022-08-03 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Hot melt coater - cleaning method

Cleaning of coating cutter head (applicable to changing glue model and coating method): wipe it with dry gauze after the equipment is heated. Roller shaft at coating compound position; Wipe the dust on the surface with clean dry gauze; If glue is found on the surface, it shall not be treated with organic solvent to avoid damaging the rubber roller shaft. It shall be removed with strong adhesive curing adhesive. Cleaning of corona device: after confirming to turn off the power supply, wipe it with clean dry gauze dipped in 75% alcohol. Non fixed periodic cleaning of hot melt adhesive coater: when the coating method and glue category and grade change, the coating head of hot melt adhesive coater must be cleaned. During cleaning, the coating head shall be removed before the glue is solidified, and the coating head shall be wiped clean with dry gauze dipped in 1620 solvent. During the production process, after the equipment is shut down, clean gauze must be used to wipe off the overflow glue when starting up.


Clean the filter screen of the glue box of the hot melt glue coater for half a month. Clean the filter screen of cloth applicator of hot melt adhesive applicator. If the production is stopped for more than one month, all coating equipment shall be cleaned once a day, before and after batch change, half a month and non fixed cycle before being put into use; For the glue box of the hot melt adhesive coater, after emptying the original glue, add about 30kg of white mineral oil to dissolve the residual glue, after emptying, add about 30kg of white mineral oil to dissolve again, and wait for use after completely emptying.

Related Tags: Hot melt adhesive coating machine

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