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Safety and security of hot melt adhesive coater(2)

Release Date:2022-08-01 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Safety and security of hot melt adhesive coater

The following small series introduces the safety and practical Cao work of hot melt adhesive coater.

The key is the safe and safe use of electricity. Welders with poor professional ability and technology must not open the household appliance box to carry out maintenance. The wiring and maintenance of it should be strictly followed by the professional welders, otherwise it is likely to lead to electric shock accident or fire accident. If you accidentally settle the insurance claim for a fire, you must immediately disconnect the switching power supply and extinguish it with a fire extinguisher; 


If some people accidentally get an electric shock accident, they should be treated according to the relevant treatment countermeasures in the safety and safety Cao procedures for electric welders and sent to the hospital clinic immediately. The workers who should strictly carry out the actual Cao work and maintenance and repair of this machine and equipment must do a good job in their own safety and security. They must wear cotton work clothes and rubber gloves with sleeves. If they are accidentally scalded and injured slightly, they must apply scalding and injury ointment immediately; If the injury is serious, it should be sent to the hospital clinic immediately. If the adhesive of hot melt adhesive coater is sprayed on the skin, do not remove it or soak it in water to reduce the temperature.

Related Tags: Solvent coater

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