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How to easily buySolvent coater?

Release Date:2022-07-18 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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How to easily buy Solvent coater?

1, not one-sided pursuit of coater, only the pursuit of their own Solvent coater.

There is no best coating machine, only suitable protective film coating machine, the advantages and disadvantages of protective film coating machine is relative, the key is the application of cutting efficiency.

Solvent coater

For example, if imported blades are not properly used, there will be no good results, while domestic blades will get satisfactory results if they are properly used. This requires us to accumulate more in practice, summary, really find suitable for their own protective film coating machine.

Solvent coater

2, correctly handle the relationship between the performance, price and stability of Solvent coater.

In the relationship between the three, the stability of the Solvent coater is Ming, and high cost performance is the goal of the pursuit. For example, imported blades are often used in high-speed cutting, but it is also a double-edged sword, which brings people a new high efficiency production mode at the same time, imported blades have high requirements on equipment, process, blade, blade clamping system, so the investment before and after the relatively high.

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