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What is solvent coater

Release Date:2022-07-07 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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What is solvent coater

solvent coatertechnology is developed on the basis of the oil crisis in the 1970s and the increasing demand for environmental protection in the world. Especially with the increase of solvent emissions, flexible packaging manufacturers in the production capacity of composite materials, the general use ofsolvent coater to replace the traditional solvent composite technology.

In North America, for example, in 1992, there were only 26 solvent-based coaters. That number has doubled several times in the past eight years. solvent coatertechnology has developed rapidly in Europe over the past 10 years.

The main characteristics of solvent coater are:

solvent coater

1, complete adhesive, no residual solvent, reduce the contents of the package, especially food, medicine and other pollution.

2, higher running speed. Currently, the speed of the device can be m / 480m high.

3, less adhesive consumption. The calculation shows that. The consumption cost of solvent-free adhesive can be reduced to 29% by comparing the imported solvent-free two-component adhesive with the domestic solvent.

solvent coater

4. Reduce energy consumption of equipment.

5. Better returns. The investment efficiency of solvent coater is higher than that of solvent coater.

6, reduce the risk of solvent transportation and storage.

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