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Understand the working process of protective film coater(2)

Release Date:2022-07-07 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Understand the working process of protective film coater

Before coating, the clean and tight net plate is loaded from the front of the coater, and some protective film coater models can also be installed from the side into the screen. In the large screen frame design model, side version is more common, because the screen frame is large and bulky, side version, can make the lifting amount and moving momentum smaller. In the automatic screen coater and other automatic screen processing equipment (such as cleaning equipment, regeneration equipment, drying device and developer) online operation, from the side version is more convenient.

protective film coater

Once the screen is in the correct position, the pneumatic clamping device or mechanical clamping device is closed, the screen locked. In order to operate more convenient, many models have pedal control version clamping action, operators can spare hands to control the screen. After the installation of the screen, to the automatic coating machine into the corresponding emulsion, you can start coating. According to the function of the control system and equipment, the equipment can be coated on both sides of the screen at the same time.

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