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Understand the working process of protective film coater

Release Date:2022-07-07 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Understand the working process of protective film coater

Protective film coating machine is mainly used for film, paper and other surface coating process production, this machine is to roll the base material coated with a layer of specific function of glue, paint or ink, and drying after rewinding.

protective film coater

Working principle of automatic protective film coater: the working principle of automatic coater for screen printing is the same, but its performance is different according to different models and different manufacturers. The screen coater is provided with a device for clamping the screen frame on the vertical frame. The front and back of the screen area is a horizontal coating mechanism, which is composed of a coating groove, and mechanical or pneumatic parts that control the Angle and pressure of the coating groove.

protective film coater

The two ends of the coating mechanism are arranged on the vertical support arm of the protective film coating machine. Through the transmission of the belt, chain or cable, the coating mechanism moves up and down, along the surface of the screen. The transmission mechanism is connected to the servo or frequency conversion motor, so that the operation is stable, and can accurately control the position of the coating mechanism.

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