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The safe use of hot melt coating machine is also very key

Release Date:2022-07-05 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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The safe use of hot melt coating machine is also very key

Hot melt adhesive coater in the use of not only the normal use, at the same time hot melt adhesive coater safe use is also very key. Equipment used correctly can make hot melt adhesive coating machine to extend the service life, reduce the probability of failure, and safe to use can ensure that he is not the temperature of the  hot melt adhesive coating machine and other hot melt adhesive coating machine caused by accident, to prevent enterprise daily life safety accidents, under normal use  hot melt adhesive coating machine we use security should pay attention to the following five:

 hot melt adhesive coating machine

1, first of all, when we install and use the hot melt adhesive coater, we should avoid the bottom of the hot melt adhesive coater and the main machine of the hot melt adhesive coater any sundry occurrence,

2, hot melt coating machine in use we should keep hot melt coating machine working environment clean.  hot melt adhesive coating machine can not be used in the use of impurities, iron filings and other solid items we should remove in time

 hot melt adhesive coating machine

3, when the hot melt coating machine needs to change the working environment, we should first turn off the power supply in the process of handling, and then reduce the temperature and cool it before we can move, so as to avoid our skin being scalded

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