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Application of hot melt adhesive coater in medical industry

Release Date:2022-07-05 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Application of hot melt adhesive coater in medical industry

The application of hot melt adhesive coating machine in medical industry: the hot melt adhesive coating machine produced by our company can be used to produce medical breathable tape, medical elastic bandage, zinc oxide tape, elastic patch plaster and other medical industry, at the same time to coating compound such as: Paper, shoes, bags materials, hot melt adhesive film, anticorrosive tape, anti-counterfeiting materials, from type paper, crepe paper, aluminum foil paper, duct tape, reflective material, fiber, foam, bond paper, label paper, cotton cloth, medical elastic bandage, carpet, wood, metal, glass, plastic, cloth, non-woven fabrics, electronic components, packaging materials and other materials. RF series hot melt adhesive composite machine composite can be all kinds of thin material is thick and spinning, silk dragon, Oxford cloth, taffeta, peach skin velvet, polar fleece, knitting, faux suede, corduroy and TPU membrane, PTFE film, PE film and spandex, lycra, mesh cloth, cotton cloth, knitting, fabrics such as silk, non-woven fabric, terry cloth composite. The products are mainly used in garment fabrics, automotive interiors, medical products and other composite industries. Is your most ideal coating equipment.


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