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The basic content of protective film coater is introduced in detail.

Release Date:2022-07-05 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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The basic content of protective film coater is introduced in detail.

The traditional control scheme of protective film coater is to use a large motor to drive the reel reel, add a magnetic powder clutch on the reel, by adjusting the magnetic powder clutch current to control its resistance, in order to control the tension of the material surface.

protective film coater

Magnetic powder clutch and brake is a special automatic actuator, it is through filling in the working gap magnetic powder transfer torque, change the magnetic current can change the magnetic state of magnetic powder, and then adjust the torque transfer.

protective film coater

It can be used for stepless speed regulation from zero to synchronous speed, suitable for high-speed fine tuning and medium and small power speed regulation system. It is also used for uncoiling or rewinding tension control system that adjusts the torque by adjusting the current to ensure that the tension remains constant during the winding process.

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