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The basic content of protective film coater is introduced in detail.

Release Date:2022-07-05 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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The basic content of protective film coater is introduced in detail.

The basic content of protective film coateris introduced in detail. Protective film coating machine is a kind of wide paper or film cutting into a number of narrow material mechanical equipment, often used in papermaking machinery and printing and packaging machinery. In the past, the speed of magnetic powder clutch of scutters can not be high, because it is easy to cause high-speed friction of magnetic powder during operation, produce high temperature, shorten its life, and when it is serious, it will be stuck, so that the machine is blocked, bringing very serious consequences to the production. Seriously affect the production efficiency.

protective film coater

The main characteristic ofprotective film coater is magnetic powder clutch as a resistance device, through the system control, to output a DC voltage, control magnetic powder clutch produced resistance. The main advantage is that it is a passive device that can control less tension.

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