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Hot melt adhesive coating machine with hot melt adhesive selection(2)

Release Date:2022-07-05 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Hot melt adhesive coating machine with hot melt adhesive selection

Four, Hot melt adhesive coating machine temperature resistance:Hot melt adhesive coating machine is sensitive to temperature. The temperature reaches a certain degree, hot melt adhesive begins to soften, below a certain temperature, hot melt adhesive will become brittle, so the choice of hot melt adhesive must take into account the temperature change of the product environment.

Hot melt adhesive coating machine

Five, Hot melt adhesive coating machine viscosity: the viscosity of hot melt adhesive is divided into early viscosity and late viscosity. Only the early viscosity and late viscosity consistent, can make the hot melt adhesive and the object to maintain stability. In the production process of hot melt adhesive, it should be guaranteed to have antioxidant, halogen resistance, acid and alkali resistance and plastic. The viscosity of hot melt adhesive controlled by different materials is also different, so different hot melt adhesive should be selected according to different materials.

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