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Hot melt adhesive coating machine with hot melt adhesive selection

Release Date:2022-07-05 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Hot melt adhesive coating machine with hot melt adhesive selection

A, Hot melt adhesive coating machinecolor: because of the color of the next thing, the color requirements of hot melt adhesive should be different. If the object itself has no special requirements for color, recommend the use of yellow hot melt adhesive, generally speaking, yellow hot melt is better than white viscosity.

Hot melt adhesive coating machine

Two, to be followed by the surface treatment: Hot melt adhesive coating machine hot melt adhesive to be followed by the surface treatment is not as strict as other adhesives, but then the surface dust, oil should also do appropriate treatment, in order to make hot melt adhesive better play the role of bonding.

Hot melt adhesive coating machine

Three, Hot melt adhesive coating machine operation time: fast operation is a major feature of hot melt adhesive. The operation time of hot melt glue inside hot melt glue coating machine is generally about 15 seconds. With the wide application of modern production mode · assembly line, the operation time of hot melt glue is shorter and shorter, such as book binding and sound box manufacturing. The operation time of hot melt is about 5 seconds.

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