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Hot melt coating machine installation common problems

Release Date:2022-07-05 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Hot melt coating machine installation common problems

⒊ Ensure that the external access to the working voltage of the hot melt adhesive machine is in line with the hot melt adhesive machine itself, such as the single-phase 220v working voltage specification of the hot melt adhesive coater machine equipment if the application of 220V switching power supply will damage the automatic spraying equipment of the hot melt adhesive machine, Such as single-phase electric 220V working voltage specification of hot melt adhesive machine machine equipment if the application of less than 380V switching power supply, can not do mechanical equipment design characteristics, it is also likely to damage the hot melt adhesive machine, wiring to ensure that the power plug is properly connected to the outside of the electrical parts.

Hot melt coating machine installation common problems

It is necessary to ensure that the hot melt glue machine operates under a specific working voltage. If the working voltage applied is different from the specific one, it is likely to cause the hot melt glue machine to be damaged.

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