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Hot melt coating machine installation common problems

Release Date:2022-07-05 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Hot melt coating machine installation common problems

The following small series to introduce the installation of hot melt adhesive coater common problems.

hot melt adhesive coating machine

Installation hot melt adhesive coating machine, be sure to access a proper and reasonable wire joint. All machines and equipment using DC electricity must have wire joints. If wire joints are not used, all hot melt glue machines with conductors and insulation maintenance components may still produce electric conductors of working voltage, resulting in the risk of electric shock accidents.

hot melt adhesive coating machine

⒉ According to the load required by the hot melt adhesive coating machine and the attached equipment, check the power plug applied, and the insulation layer maintenance is not in line with the requirements, the load of the transmission line must be higher than the high power of the hot melt adhesive machine.

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