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What are the common failures of hot melt coating machine?

Release Date:2022-07-06 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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What are the common failures of hot melt coating machine?

1, power supply circuit problem, if it is plastic birch or hot melt glue coater plastic hose is not heated. We should first check whether the fuse is burned, combined with whether there is a problem, check the temperature controller and intermediate relay or IC, there is no problem on the line level is what the problem, should check the line.

hot melt adhesive coating machine

2, hot melt adhesive coating machine, plastic line problem, the rubber hose hot melt glue machine gun are all under the condition of normal temperature glue is glue path problem, and you won't come to check which stage is not to glue, rubber hose has the problem of glue is hot melt gun, hot melt gun should be clean and tidy, rubber hose out is also a difficult problem may be the server, the server not to glue has a reason, First, the soft starter is broken; Second, the motor problem; Three glue pump has a problem.

hot melt adhesive coating machine

3, hot melt adhesive coating machine, in the glue machine application process generally have to use relay operation, which occurs at the gas supply level of the problem, gas supply problem first check whether the gas is wrong or relay is not broken, or the application of the incorrect type of relay.

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