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Operation and maintenance of hot melt adhesive coater

Release Date:2022-05-14 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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1. Safety precautions during daily operation of hot melt adhesive coaterHot melt adhesive coating machine

1. Avoid operating the hot melt adhesive coater around volatile and explosive raw materials or gases. Inflammables and explosives shall not be stored around the spraying equipment of the hot melt adhesive coater. 2. Do not operate the hot melt adhesive coater without proper protection device, good insulator or good protection panel. When maintenance is required, only professional trained personnel can dismantle the coater for maintenance. 3. Do not operate the hot melt adhesive coater in the surrounding environment where the temperature is lower than 0 ℃ and higher than 50 ℃. 4. Try to use it when there is no fast flowing air. Because when the hot melt adhesive nozzle combination is exposed to the rapidly circulating air, the rapid cooling will affect the hot melt adhesive flow of the nozzle combination, which is easy to produce wire drawing phenomenon. 5. When replenishing hot-melt adhesive, add at least one-third of the hot-melt adhesive in the hot-melt adhesive pot, so as to avoid adding glue when there is no hot-melt adhesive in the hot-melt adhesive pot, which will affect the normal production. 7. The amount of supplementary glue shall not exceed 80% of the total volume of the hot-melt glue pot.

Hot melt adhesive coating machine

2、 Maintenance of hot melt adhesive coater

1. Unless you have the assistance of other personnel, after the accident, due to mechanical damage or personal injury, you can give immediate help or first aid, Hot melt adhesive coating machineor do not disassemble and maintain the hot-melt coater equipment alone.

2. Do not disassemble and inspect any part of the fuser unless you have enough knowledge of the performance of the equipment.

3. Only qualified personnel can work on the maintenance of the hot melt coater

4. Safety gloves, goggles and long sleeved overalls must be worn when maintaining and repairing the hot melt adhesive coater to avoid scalding the body part by high-temperature liquid hot melt adhesive or by the surface of high-temperature components

Hot melt adhesive coating machine

5. In any case, do not touch the connection of electrical or other components whose wires may be exposed to the outside without loosening.

6. Before repairing the hot melt adhesive coater, you must first connect the power supply of the hot melt coater and the external main power supply, cut off and operate without electricity.

7. When cleaning the hot melt glue cylinder, avoid using fireworks or sharp hard tools to avoid scratching the Teflon non adhesive coating inside the glue barrel.

8. In case of air pressure or glue leakage of the hot melt adhesive coater, do not continue to operate the hot melt adhesive coater. First stop the hot melt adhesive coater, cut off the power supply, and reduce the operating pressure to zero before maintenance.

9. Never maintain the hot melt coater in a flooded floor or very humid environment.Hot melt adhesive coating machine

10。 For disassembly and maintenance work, workers had better not wear earrings, watches, necklaces, bracelets and other conductive items to prevent accidents.

Hot melt adhesive coating machine

When loosening or installing the pressure joint, it must be determined that the pressure of the pressure air supply for the hot melt adhesive coater has been reduced to zero.Hot melt adhesive coating machine

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