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How does the coater operate?

Release Date:2022-03-16 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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How does the coater operate?

Coater the working principle of the protective film coater used for screen printing plate making is the same, but its performance varies according to different models and manufacturers. The protective film coater is equipped with a device capable of clamping the mesh frame on the vertical frame. The front and back of the screen area is a horizontal coating mechanism, which is composed of a coating tank and mechanical or pneumatic components that control the angle and pressure of the coating tank.

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Both ends of the protective film coater mechanism are installed on the vertical support arm of the protective film coater machine. Through the transmission of belt, chain or cable, the coating mechanism moves up and down and is coated along the surface of the screen. The transmission mechanism is connected to the servo or frequency conversion motor to make its operation stable and accurately control the position of the coating mechanism.

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Before coating, load the clean and stretched screen from the front of the coater, and some models can also load the screen from the side. In the models designed for large format mesh frames, side mounting is more common, because the mesh frames are large and bulky. Side mounting can reduce the lifting and moving amount.

When the automatic screen coater runs online with other automatic screen processing equipment (such as cleaning equipment, regeneration equipment, drying device and developer), it is more convenient to install the plate from the side. No matter how the screen is installed, once the screen is in the correct position, the pneumatic clamping device or mechanical clamping device will be closed to lock the screen. In order to make the operation more convenient, many models have foot pedals to control the action of plate clamping, and the operator can free up his hands to control the screen. After installing the screen, pour the corresponding photosensitive emulsion into the protective film coater, and then start coating. According to the functions of the control system and equipment, the equipment can coat both sides of the screen at the same time.

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There are two coating methods: one is to apply photosensitive emulsion on the screen through multiple wet pressing operations; Or add drying process after each coating. A machine for quantitatively coating liquid (or melt) polymer materials such as adhesives or coatings on the surface of materials.

Related Tags: Hot melt adhesive coating machine Solvent coater Protective film coater

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