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How about the tension system of the coater

Release Date:2022-03-16 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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How about the tension system of the protective film coater

1、 Process requirements

The protective film coater needs to evenly adhere glue or ink substances to the surface of aluminum foil, plastic film or cloth textiles. It has high requirements for the coating process. It not only requires uniform coating height, but also can realize high-speed non-stop roll change to improve the production efficiency of the protective film coater.

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2、 Scheme advantages

1. The frequency converter completes the tension control at all levels, and the tension sensor is used to realize the tension control of the protective film coater. The system is simple and stable. PLC or synchronous controller is used to control the speed of the drive roll frequency converter, and it is used as the linear speed signal of other frequency converters.

2. S350 closed-loop tension control (inductive vector control) easily realizes constant tension in the acceleration and deceleration process, saves the space for installing tension roller, reduces and reduces mechanical cost, and high-precision control ensures uniform coating effect and fruit height.

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3. The dual station rewinding and unwinding has the pre drive function, which can meet the needs of automatic rewinding without stopping at high speed and improving production efficiency. At the same time, accurate winding control can avoid the bad winding of vegetable heart type and make the winding effect and result better.

Yitong industry and trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a company providing new products and new process solutions. We not only provide equipment, but also provide new European technologies and processes to Chinese customers through the carrier of equipment. The main equipment is precision coating, mainly including lithium battery coating, optical film coating, brand tape coating, etc. the industries covered include battery, printing, electronics and precision chemical industries.

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The above information is provided by the small editor of the protective film coater manufacturer.

Related Tags: Hot melt adhesive coating machine Solvent coater Protective film coater

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