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Introduction to the plan and installation skills of coating machine

Release Date:2022-02-24 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Introduction to the plan and installation skills of coating machine

The heating pipes in the protective film coater are separated in a concentric circle, one end of which is installed on the drainage separation chamber of the header box at the outlet of the coater, and the other end is installed on the tubesheet of the vent head with a thermally extensible layout. Steam, hot water and other heat carriers enter from the steam journal pipe and are distributed to each heating pipe through the header box, while the condensate is collected into the header box by the skew of the protective film coater and squeezed by the steam journal pipe.

The material is dried up by the lifting and stirring of the heating pipe in the protective film coater, and moves from the higher side to the lower side with the help of the skew of the coater to be squeezed from the discharge hopper at the end.


The plan and installation of the protective film coater are similar to the general formula. The difference is that there is no board reading installed in the coater. During the process of moving from the inlet end to the outlet end, the material is always in the space at the bottom, forming a solid material layer. After the hot air enters the intermediate pipe that does not roll with the cylinder from the end, it is ejected from the small hole of the branch pipe buried in the material layer at high speed and comes into violent contact with the material.

Since the branch pipes are evenly distributed along the length direction of the intermediate pipe, they should be closely distributed under the intermediate pipe along the circumferential direction. Therefore, this plan not only ensures the effective contact between hot air and materials and strengthens the process of heat and mass transfer, but also doubles the diffusion of gas in the length of the coater compared with the blade type through flow coater. The volumetric heat transfer coefficient of the vent tube coater is about twice that of the general formula. With similar production ability, the length of the body is only 1 / 2 of the general formula.


During the operation of protective film coater, the wear of transmission parts often occurs, such as the wear of dryer shaft head of coater, the wear of roll bearing chamber and so on. Ancient repair and restoration techniques include surfacing, thermal spraying, brush plating, etc., but they all have certain disadvantages:

Surfacing will make the surface of parts reach a very high temperature, resulting in deformation or crack, and the fracture of shaft in tension; Electroplating coating can not be too thick, and stain tension, the use is also limited. The material has good adhesion and compressive strength, which can avoid disassembly, on-site repair and re coater wear. At the same time, because it has the concession of metal shortage, it can well absorb the strike vibration of equipment to avoid secondary wear.


However, its function varies according to different models and different manufacturers. The vertical frame of the screen coater is equipped with a device that can clamp the screen frame. The front and back of the screen area are the coating mechanism of the degree. The coating mechanism is composed of the coating tank and the machine parts or pneumatic parts that control the angle and pressure of the coating tank.

Related Tags: 熱熔膠涂布機 溶劑型涂布機 保護膜涂布機

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