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Introduce the basic content of protective film coater in detail!

Release Date:2022-02-24 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Introduce the basic content of protective film coater in detail!


  Introduce the basic content of protective film coater in detail! Protective film coater is a kind of mechanical equipment that cuts wide paper or film into multiple narrow materials. It is commonly used in papermaking machinery, printing and packaging machinery. In the past, the speed of the magnetic particle clutch of the slitter cannot be high, because it is easy to cause the high-speed friction of the magnetic particle during operation, produce high temperature and shorten its service life. In serious cases, it will jam, hinder the operation of the machine and bring serious consequences to the production. It has seriously affected the production efficiency.


The main feature of the protective film coater is that the magnetic particle clutch, as a resistance device, outputs a DC voltage through system control to control the resistance generated by the magnetic particle clutch. The main advantage is that it is a passive device, which can control small tension.

The traditional control scheme of the protective film coater is to use a large motor to drive the winding shaft. A magnetic particle clutch is added to the winding shaft. The resistance generated by the magnetic particle clutch is controlled by adjusting the current of the magnetic particle clutch to control the tension on the surface of the material.


Magnetic particle clutch and brake is a special automatic actuator. It transmits torque through magnetic particles filled in the working gap. Changing the magnetic current can change the magnetic state of magnetic particles, and then adjust the transmitted torque.

It can be used for stepless speed regulation from zero to synchronous speed. It is suitable for fine adjustment in high-speed section and speed regulation system with small and medium power. It is also used to adjust the torque by adjusting the current to ensure that the tension remains constant in the winding process.


Yitong industry and trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a company providing new products and new process solutions. We not only provide equipment, but also provide new European technologies and processes to Chinese customers through the carrier of equipment. The main equipment is precision coating, mainly including lithium battery coating, optical film coating, brand tape coating, etc. the industries covered include battery, printing, electronics and precision chemical industries.

Related Tags: 熱熔膠涂布機(jī) 溶劑型涂布機(jī) 保護(hù)膜涂布機(jī)

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