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What are the influencing factors of the paper cutter of the protective film coater?

Release Date:2022-02-24 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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What are the influencing factors of the paper cutter of the protective film coater?

(1) The datum line for cutting paper size on the paper pusher is the back stop gauge, which should be parallel to the cutting line and perpendicular to the workbench.

(2) When the cutter of the protective film coater lands, the cutter shall be perpendicular to the workbench, and the blade of the cutter shall be parallel to the workbench and adjusted to a certain height.

(3) The paper press of the protective film coater shall be able to adjust the pressure and maintain its consolidation according to the cutting requirements. The ordinary gauge pressure shall be within the limit of 4 ~ 10MPa and shall not exceed 15MPa, which is the condition to ensure the cutting quality.


The protective film coater causes the paper stack to grow up and short down after cutting:

(1) The blade of the cutter is too blunt, which is easy to pull out the surface layer of the cutting object and make the specifications inconsistent.

(2) The cutter is not perpendicular to the workbench.


(3) The front surface of the paper pusher is not perpendicular to the surface of the workbench, the paper pusher tilts forward, and the cut paper stack is long at the top and short at the bottom; The paper pusher tilts back, and the cut paper is stacked short at the top and long at the bottom.

(4) The higher the paper stack of the protective film coater, the greater the pressure response of the paper press, and the greater the anti cutting knife of the paper stack, which increases the winding deformation of the paper stack, and there is the sign of long up and short down of the cut paper stack. Therefore, the height of the paper stack should be controlled below 100mm. The thickness difference of the paper and the cutting height of the response should also be adjusted appropriately.


Yitong industry and trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a company providing new products and new process solutions. We not only provide equipment, but also provide new European technologies and processes to Chinese customers through the carrier of equipment. The main equipment is precision coating, mainly including lithium battery coating, optical film coating, brand tape coating, etc. the industries covered include battery, printing, electronics and precision chemical industries. The above information is provided by Yitong industry and trade

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