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Advantages of solvent coater hot melt coater

Release Date:2022-02-24 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Advantages of solvent coater hot melt coater


Because the process has; There is no need for drying equipment and low energy consumption: no solvent (hot melt adhesive is 100% solid component) and no pollution. The operators of solvent coater will not be exposed to a large amount of formaldehyde due to cleaning the residual glue. Compared with the traditional solvent-based and water-soluble adhesives, the coating process of specially Ye manufacturing hot-melt adhesive coater has enviable advantages, effectively solves the inherent disadvantages of the traditional process, and is an ideal production tool for the renewal of the coating composite industry.


The curing of solvent-based and water-based adhesives requires an oven (or the existing oven may need to be renovated), and the solvent-based coater takes up more plant space and increases the energy consumption of the factory; Will produce more wastewater and sludge; Stricter production and operation requirements; The disadvantage of solvent glue is obvious, that is, non Chang is not environmentally friendly (most solvents are harmful).

Solvent based adhesives pollute the environment seriously. With the improvement of people's environmental awareness and the establishment and improvement of relevant laws, the application of solvent based adhesives is declining at a certain rate every year. Water based adhesive has the disadvantages of poor water resistance, poor electrical characteristics, long drying time and high energy consumption. Its application is also declining at a certain rate every year. Hot melt adhesive has the advantages of stable performance, high utilization rate of raw materials, fast production speed, high yield, small equipment floor area and small investment. Solvent coater has the trend of gradually replacing solvent adhesive.


The above information is provided by solvent coater

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