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Safe and safe use of hot melt adhesive coater

Release Date:2022-02-24 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Safe and safe use of hot melt adhesive coater

The hot melt adhesive coater should not only be used normally, but also be used safely. The correct use of the equipment can prolong the service life of the hot melt adhesive coater and reduce the probability of failure. The safe use can ensure that it will not be affected by the temperature of the hot melt adhesive coater and other accidents caused by the hot melt adhesive coater, so as to avoid the occurrence of daily safety and safety accidents of the enterprise. Under the normal use of the hot melt adhesive coater, we should pay attention to the following five points:


1. First of all, when we install and use the hot melt adhesive coater, we should avoid sundries at the bottom of the hot melt adhesive coater and the host of the hot melt adhesive coater,

2. When using the hot melt adhesive coater, we should keep the working environment of the hot melt adhesive coater clean. We should clear and remove the non fusible impurities, iron filings and other solid objects in time during the use of hot melt adhesive coater


3. When the hot melt adhesive coater needs to change the working environment, we should first turn off the power supply during handling, and then let the temperature drop and cool down before moving, so as to avoid scalding and injury to our skin

4. When moving or lifting the hot melt adhesive coater, we can only use the bottom of the hot melt adhesive coater as the fulcrum for handling. Do not use the cylinder, box door, control panel and other electronic components of the hot melt adhesive machine as the fulcrum to lift and move it, which is easy to damage the equipment of the hot melt adhesive machine

5. When handling the hot melt adhesive coater, we should keep the hot melt adhesive coater vertical. If there is inclination, it also affects the positioning accuracy of the hot melt adhesive coater. This will damage the hot melt adhesive machine


When we use the hot melt coater. The temperature in the hot melt adhesive coating case is as high as Baidu. We need to pay attention to the skin scalding and injury caused by high temperature. The temperature of the glue solution is also as high as Baidu when it comes out. Pay attention to the characteristics in use. If we are scalded and injured, don't worry. We should put the scalded and injured hands under clean and cold water in time until the heat on the skin slowly disappears.

Generally speaking, the safety and safety production of enterprises is a problem that can not be ignored by every production-oriented enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully read the operation manual before installation and use, and strive to nip all safety and safety hazards in the cradle.

Related Tags: 熱熔膠涂布機(jī) 溶劑型涂布機(jī) 保護(hù)膜涂布機(jī)

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