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Introduction of coating characteristics of high speed tape hot melt coater

Release Date:2022-02-24 Content Comes From:http://www.informex.cn/en/

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Introduction of coating characteristics of high speed tape hot melt coater

This paper focuses on the analysis of the coating physical properties of high-speed tape hot melt adhesive coater, so that we can have a more targeted and clear purpose when choosing tape coater.

With the continuous progress of modern industry, many manufacturers began to use new high skilled equipment. In order to meet different packaging needs, many manufacturers have begun to use high-speed tape coater for production.

For this machine, many people have not yet understood it. They only know that it is a coating production machine for glue, coating, etc. Today, Xiaobian will briefly introduce the performance characteristics of this multifunctional tape high-speed hot melt adhesive coater. I hope you can better apply it to work practice.



We know that this high-speed tape hot melt adhesive coater is mainly used for the production of BOPP sealing tape, so it needs to have many advantages in performance to be selected as a professional production machine among many products for production.

First of all, it is insoluble, that is to say, it often does not change its properties when producing water containing cloth, and there is no danger of fire due to high temperature. The second is its high efficiency, because it can speed up half the speed of ordinary machines, so it can effectively improve the output.


On the other hand, high-speed tape hot melt adhesive coater also has high-quality viscosity. As an adhesive tape machine, it is undoubtedly a machine that can effectively stick cloth, clothing materials and leather products. And the viscosity is fast. The interval between gluing and bonding is only a few seconds. The saw head and trimming can be completed in 24 seconds without drying time. It can be used for continuity.


High speed tape hot melt adhesive coater can be used to produce: double-sided tape, cloth base tape, double-sided foam tape, cleaning tape, kraft paper tape, textured tape, aluminum foil tape, fiber tape, conductive cloth, self-adhesive trademark, advertising photo consumables, etc.

Related Tags: 熱熔膠涂布機(jī) 溶劑型涂布機(jī) 保護(hù)膜涂布機(jī)

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